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Application form

Application form for the competition: „Franciszek Mertens Scholarship”. If you have any questions, please contact us at stypendium.mertensa@uj.edu.pl

Minimum 2 maksimum 64 znaki/ From 2 to 64 characters/ От 2 до 64 знаков
This field is mandatory.
Minimum 2 maksimum 64 znaki/ From 2 to 64 characters/ От 2 до 64 знаков
This field is mandatory.
Wpisz numer paszportu/ Enter Passport Number/ Впиши номер паспорта
This field is mandatory.
Wpisz poprawny adres email/ Enter the correct e-mail adress/ Ввведите адрес эл. почты
This field is mandatory.
Wpisz ten sam adres/ Repeat the adress/ Повторите адрес эл. почты
This field is mandatory.
Wpisz cyfry, spacje, pauzę/ Enter digits, space, dash/ Ввведите цифры, пробелы, тире
This field is mandatory.
Minimum 2 maksimum 64 znaki/ From 2 to 64 characters/ От 2 до 64 знаков
This field is mandatory.
This field is mandatory.
Wpisz rok z zakresu 1950-2025/ Enter year between 1950-2025/ Впиши год между 1950-2025
This field is mandatory.
Minimum 2 maksimum 600 znaków/ From 2 to 600 characters/ От 2 до 600 знаков
This field is mandatory.
Minimum 2 maksimum 2048 znaki/ From 2 to 2048 characters/ От 2 до 2048 знаков
This field is mandatory.
Plik max 5MB spakowany (zip, rar)/ Max 5MB zip/rar file/ Документ не более чем 5MB в формате zip/rar
This field is mandatory.
Max 2MB z rozszerzeniem pdf,doc,docx / Max 2MB pdf,doc,docx file/ Документ не более чем 2MB в формате pdf,doc,docx
This field is mandatory.

I declare that I have read and accepted the Regulations of the Franciszek Mertens Scholarship Fund.

Zgoda jest wymagana/ This field is required/ Обязательное поле
This field is mandatory.

If you will not receive confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact us via email at stypendium.mertensa@uj.edu.pl .

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