Wykład prof. Craiga Kaplana z Uniwersytetu w Waterloo

W piątek 27 X 2017 r. o godzinie 14:15 w sali 1016, odbędzie się wykład prof. Craiga Kaplana pracującego w Laboratorium Grafiki Komputerowej Uniwersytetu w Waterloo. Zapraszamy wszystkich studentów, doktorantów i pracowników Wydziału do udziału w tym wydarzeniu.

Mathematical and Computational aspects of Islamic Geometric Patterns

Islamic Geometric Patterns (IGP) are a style of geometric art common in Islamic design and architecture, and a popular form of ornamentation worldwide.  Although relatively little is known about the original design processes that gave rise to historical patterns, modern mathematics offers us ample tools to study them and reverse-engineer techniques that account for their structure.  Better yet, we can construct novel variations, and use mathematical ideas unavailable to historical artisans, such as non-Euclidean geometry and aperiodicity, to create new designs belonging to the same artistic tradition. Modern computers can take this process even further by allowing us to explore spaces of patterns effortlessly, and to manufacture designs as real-world objects. In this talk, I will give an overview of my interdisciplinary research on constructing Islamic geometric patterns, work that blends mathematics, computation, and art.

Дата публикации: 20.10.2017
Published by: Agnieszka Dudek