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Recent publications

  • Paweł Borówka, Anatoli Shatsila, Hyperelliptic genus 3 curves with involutions and a Prym map, Mathematische Nachrichten (2024),
  • Paweł Borówka, Robert Auffarth, Non-simple polarised abelian surfaces and genus 3 curves with completely decomposable Jacobians, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (2024),
  • Paweł Borówka, Angela Ortega, Prym varieties and Prym map, Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste Vol. 54, Art. No. 14 (2022), 129-162
  • Paweł Borówka, Angela Ortega, Klein coverings of genus 2 curves, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373 (2020), 1885-1907
  • Paweł Borówka, Angela Ortega, Hyperelliptic curves on (1,4) polarised abelian surfaces, Mathematische Zeitschrift Volume 292, Issue 1–2 (2019), 193–209


complex abelian varieties, Prym varieties and Prym maps, hyperelliptic curves

avatar for Paweł Borówka

Paweł Borówka

academic degree/title Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) position
research and faculty staff member group, assistant professor
  • Department of Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
  • Institute of Mathematics
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