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Recent publications

  • Mateusz Przybylski, Marian Mrozek, Jim Wiseman, The Szymczak Functor and Shift Equivalence on the Category of Finite Sets and Finite Relations, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (2023),
  • Bogdan Batko, K. Mischaikow, Marian Mrozek, Mateusz Przybylski, Conley Index Approach to Sampled Dynamics, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 19-1 (2020), 665-704
  • Mateusz Przybylski, Algorithmic Computation of the Conley Index for Multivalued Maps with No Continuous Selector in Cubical Spaces, Schedae Informaticae 28 (2019), 9-24


Computational mathematics, computational topological dynamics, dynamics of time series.

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Mateusz Przybylski

academic degree/title Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) position
research and faculty staff member group, assistant
  • Division of Computational Mathematics
  • Institute of Computer Science and Computational Mathematics