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Recent publications

  • Przemysław Spurek, Krzysztof Byrski, Jacek Tabor, Gaussian model for closed curves, Expert Systems with Applications 249 part B (2024), 123615
  • Krzysztof Byrski, Przemysław Spurek, Jacek Tabor, Online updating of active function cross-entropy clustering, Pattern Analysis and Applications vol. 22 no. 4 (2019), 1409-1425
  • Krzysztof Byrski, Przemysław Spurek, Jacek Tabor, Active Function Cross-Entropy Clustering, Expert Systems with Applications 72 (2017), 49–66


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avatar for Krzysztof Byrski

Krzysztof Byrski

academic degree/title Master of Science (MSc) position
research and faculty staff member group, assistant
  • Division of Effective Methods in Algebra
  • Institute of Computer Science and Computational Mathematics
research group
  • Group of Machine Learning Research (GMUM)
ORCID contact