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Most significant publications

  • Dawid Rymarczyk, Łukasz Struski, Michał Górszczak, Koryna Lewandowska, Jacek Tabor, Bartosz Zieliński, Interpretable Image Classification with Differentiable Prototypes Assignment, European Conference on Computer Vision [ECCV](MAIN) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13672 (2022), 351-368
  • Dawid Rymarczyk, Łukasz Struski, Jacek Tabor, Bartosz Zieliński, ProtoPShare: Prototypical Parts Sharing for Similarity Discovery in Interpretable Image Classification, ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining [KDD](MAIN) 9781450383325 (2021), 1420-1430
  • Adriana Borowa, Dawid Rymarczyk, Jacek Tabor, Bartosz Zieliński, Kernel Self-Attention for Weakly-supervised Image Classification using Deep Multiple Instance Learning, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision [WACV] 978-1-6654-0477-8 (2021), 1720-1729

Recent publications

  • Bartosz Zieliński, Tomasz Michalski, Dawid Rymarczyk, Daniel Barczyk, ProtoNCD: Prototypical Parts for Interpretable Novel Class Discovery, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks [ESANN], (2024),
  • Bartosz Zieliński, Adriana Borowa, Dawid Rymarczyk, Marek Żyła, Marek Kańduła, Ana Sánchez-Fernández, Krzysztof Rataj, Łukasz Struski, Jacek Tabor, Decoding Phenotypic Screening: A Comparative Analysis of Image Representations, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 23 (2024), 1181-1188
  • Bartosz Zieliński, Mikołaj Sacha, Bartosz Jura, Dawid Rymarczyk, Łukasz Struski, Jacek Tabor, Interpretability Benchmark for Evaluating Spatial Misalignment of Prototypical Parts Explanations, National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence [AAAI](MAIN) 38 (19) (2024), 21563 - 21573
  • Bartosz Zieliński, Dawid Rymarczyk, Weiwei Schultz, Adriana Borowa, Joshua Friedman, Tomasz Danel, Patrick Branigan, Michał Chałupczak, Anna Bracha, Tomasz Krawiec, Michał Warchoł, Katherine Li, Gert De Hertogh, Louis R. Ghanem, Aleksandar Stojmirovic, Deep learning models capture histological disease activity in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis with high fidelity, Journal of Crohns & Colitis 20 (2023), 1-11
  • Bartosz Zieliński, Łukasz Struski, Dawid Rymarczyk, Arkadiusz Lewicki, Robert Sabiniewicz, Jacek Tabor, ProMIL: Probabilistic Multiple Instance Learning for Medical Imaging, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence [ECAI] 372 (2023), 2210 - 2217


interpretability of deep learning, weakly supervised learning, computer vision, biomedical image recognition

avatar for Dawid Rymarczyk

Dawid Rymarczyk

academic degree/title Master of Science (MSc) status
PhD student of computer science
research and faculty staff member group, assistant
  • Division of Applied Computer Science
  • Institute of Computer Science and Computational Mathematics
research group
  • Group of Machine Learning Research (GMUM)
ORCID contact