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Analytic and Algebraic Geometry

4.10.2010. Sławomir Cynk: "Hodge numbers of hypersurfaces and logarythmic forms"

Approximation Theory

13.10.2010. Mirosław Baran: "Średnica pozaskończona i pojemność logarytmiczna w CN" (2)

Approximation Theory

6.10.2010. Mirosław Baran: "Średnica pozaskończona i pojemność logarytmiczna w CN" (1)

Geometric Function Theory

4.10.2010, Arkadiusz Lewandowski: "Wermer example, pluripolar hull, and fine analytic structure"

Faculty Colloquium

7.10.2010, Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université de Grenoble): "From convexity and curvature to the existence of holomorphic objects". Abstract: There is a very strong link between convexity and curvature on one side, and the existence of holomorphic objects on the other side. We will illustrate this by recent results relating curvature of a complex manifold with the existence of holomorphic sections and holomorphic entire curves

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